Sunflower Bridal Bouquet
Sunflowers are said to mean good luck and lasting happiness, the perfect flower for a bridal bouquet.
Sunflower is known to always follow the direction of the sun. This flower symbolises admiration, loyalty and cheerfulness. When you send a bouquet of sunflower to someone, it would mean that you treasure them and you are thinking of them as though they are the light of your life. Give your special someone a bouquet of sunflower to show what they mean to you. Do you need a sunflower bouquet arrangement and delivery in Singapore today? Shop at Petite Fleur now!
Bridal bouquet comes with no wrapping and will only be tied with twine/satin ribbon.
All bridal bouquets are delivered with a water bag.
Each arrangement is made specially and exclusively for you.
All flowers are subject to seasonal availability. We may not always have the exact flowers or color shade as shown.
Final product may not resemble picture shown entirely.
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